Projects Payments Type
To Add/Edit Project Payment Type:
Simply goes to Left panel=> Projects Payments Type => Add Project Payment
Here user can add different kind of Project Payment of his project like Token, Down Payment, Installment, Master Installment, Service Charges, Meter charges and other charges Etc.
Here user can also choose that payment type which we are creating is extra payment or not. For Ex, User can consider Gas connection, Electricity connection as extra payment option which will not be count with actual payment of full asset.
In this master we also have one more field Sort Order, this field is used to define sequence of this payment type in list of all payment types when we are receiving payments.
User can also specify Payment Type status Active or De-active. If status is De-active then it will not appear in Payment Plan and Payment Receipt.
To Delete Project Payment Type:
You are allowed to delete Project Payment Type only if project payment type not used in payment plan and payment receive, you can do it in project payment type listing with