What problems we are solving?

  • Our integrated tool offers a system which unifying operations across departments for seamless management of Finances, HR, Recruitments, Projects, Assets, Visitors, Documents and Communications.
  • With automation at its core, our tool optimizes processes, reduces manual tasks, and boosts productivity, empowering your team to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Gain actionable insights through robust analytics and reporting features, enabling informed decision-making and proactive responses to business needs.
  • Embrace scalability and flexibility with our cloud-based solution, ensuring accessibility from anywhere while accommodating your company's growth and evolving requirements.
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Our Pricing

We believe that together, we can enhance the effectiveness of your business.


In Progress

API Integration

We will provide APIs for task so can later integrate with other platforms.

Improved Payroll Management

Improving payroll for make it more effective and quick.

Employee/Client Contract

Create contract with employee/clients and share and sign it virtually.

Up Next

Employee Letter

Create Employee letter and share with them.

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Employee Evaluation

Evaluate performance of your employee by specifiying various criteria and measure it with weightate.

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Whatsapp Integratoin

Be up to date with update on your Whatsapp number

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Mobile App

We are in design phase for mobile app and expected to release it in as diwali gift for all our clients.

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