

Account is concept related with accounting person and it’s used throughout full system. In this master we have to manage all account which we use in all modules like Sales, Purchase, Tax and Vat etc.

To Add/Edit Account Type:
Simply goes to Left panel=> Accounts => Add Account

Here Users can mange different Account for his project like Additional Vat, Vat, TDS, Service Tax, Etc.

Account types are of following type:

Customer: These are the customers which are creating in our system

Nominal: These are nominal type accounts like Indirect Income, Indirect Expense

Personal: These are personal type accounts

Real: These are the accounts which are real type like sales, purchase

Vendor: These are the vendors from whom we are purchasing items

Account Group: This dropdown contain list of all account group and we have to select group in which our account belong.

Opening Balance: This field is used to enter amount that is pending to settle with current account. Ex. Suppose we are creating one vendor and if we have to give them 25000 then we have to enter “-25000” and if we have to take 25000 from vendor then we have to enter “25000” and if don’t have any pending settlement then simply enter 0.

User can also specify Account type either they are Active or De-active.

To Delete Account:
You are allowed to delete Account only if account not used in project, you can do it in account listing with  Icon.

To Account Statement Report:
User can get account statement report by clicking on Statement report  Icon.