With help of this section we can do below things,
To Add Products:
Simply Goes Left Panel=>Inventory Management=>Products=>Add Product
Then need to fill basic information about product
Product Name: In this field user need to enter name of the product
Product Code: In this field user need to enter product code.
Product Unit: In this field user need to enter Unit for product. If Product Unit is not available in list then we can add it in Master=>Products Units Type.
Product Description: In this field user can write some description about product.
Purchase Rate: In this field user need to enter product’s purchase rate.
Sales Rate: In this field user need to enter product’s sales rate.
Opening Stock: In this field user can add opening stock, when entering product if use already have some products then he need to enter it in opening stock field.
Minimum Quantity: In this field user can give minimum quantity of product. If sometime our product’s quantity is goes below this level then in product listing this product will become red so we can easily identify that we have to purchase more products.
Status: User can choose Active or De-active status of Products. Purpose of Active and De-Active Status is that deactivate product will not be available in any Inventory process so if some product is no more working with us then we can make it deactivate.
To Edit Products:
Simply click on edit
To Remove Products:
Simply click on deleted
To Views Product’s Stock Statement:
Simply click on