To Add/Edit Partner:
Simply goes to Left panel=> Projects Management => Partners => Add Partner
In Add Partner form user need to enter basic partner details.
Company Name: In this field user need to enter name of the company if some company is partner.
Name: This is compulsory field, user must to enter name of the partner.
Address 1: In this field user need to enter address of partner.
Address 2: In this field user can enter more address detail of partner.
City: This field contains city name of partner.
State: This field contain state name of partner.
Zip Code: This field contains Zip code/Area code of partner.
Country: In this field user has to choose country name of partner.
Phone: In this field user need to enter phone number partner.
Mobile: In this field user need to enter mobile number of partner. This is one of the very important information because all important messages regarding all transaction will be SMS on this number. So if partner don’t want any messages then don’t enter this information.
Email: In this field user need to enter email address of partner. This is one of the very important information because all important email regarding all transaction will be mailed on this email address. So if partner don’t want any email then don’t enter this information.
Photo: In this field user can enter partner’s photo.
Opening Balance: This field contains partners opening.
Status: User can also specify partner status either they Active or De-active. De-Active status make partner hidden to the project.
To Remove Partner:
If partner is assign to some project then we are not allowed to remove it, but if it is not assign to any project then we can easily remove him by click on