With help of this section you can do below things,
- Create New Employee
- Edit Existing Employee
- Remove Employees
- View Employee’s Statement
Simply goes to Left panel=> Employees => Add employee
In Add Employee Form user need to add details about Employee. This will be used during Payment Receive. Below are some employee specific information.
Joining Date: In this field user need to select Joining date of employee.
Current Salary: This field contains employee’s salary.
Employee Designation: In this field we have to enter employee designation.
Select Project: In This field we have to select projects in which employee is working.
Leaving Date: We need to enter Leaving date of employee when he/she leave.
After entering Employee details user can choose Active or De-active status of employee type. Purpose of Active and De-Active Status is those employee can temporary hide from other modules of system.
To Delete Employees:
You are allowed to delete Employees only if employee isnot assign to any project and you can do it in Employee listing with
To View Employee’s Statement:
You can show employee’s statement by clicking on Statement Report